Today early in the morning I saw a missed call from a friend of mine who hasn’t been in touch with me for a long time! I was quite surprised and called him back. I asked him, “Bro, what happened, what a surprise,” and he said, “Bro, I saw you in my dream today.” I…
Category: 365DaysofGratitude
day76 – Choices
This is a world of abundance, where people are confused with choices, this or that, apple or orange. We always have choices to make, to go or not, left or right, blue pill or red pill (like in the Matrix). So, there is a wonderful way to understand and decide which way to go. If…
day75 – Another one
A friend of mine recently introduced me to a very famous DJ, songwriter and producer called DJ Khaled. He has many millions of listeners across the world and “Another One” is one of his popular catchphrases, there’s also a video of him just repeating “another one another one another another one…” 🙂 Initially, I thought…
day74 – Transistors
We are living in a time of digital transcendence that is paving the way for Industry 4.0 which is the next level of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. Be it your cell phone or laptop, or the digital systems in your car, when we look at it from an engineering perspective, the core factor…
day73 – Talent
We’ve been looking to hire great quality human resources for multiple roles for our organization over the past few months. Like any enterprise, we too face the challenge of the lack of actual talent, real talent, people who are able to perform optimally in those specific roles. Whenever we share our job notices across social…
day72 – Connecting the dots
The legendary Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford University commencement speech is very famous, millions of people have watched it on the internet. I strongly believe that the speech given by Steve Jobs has had a profound influence on a whole new generation of entrepreneurs including me across the new world order.. I personally like one of…
day71 – Monologue
In my opinion the simplest way to run our life smoothly, especially in our interpersonal exchanges of ideas, lies in clear, specific, simple communication. I have observed that people who are able to communicate exactly what they want to say, not just to one person or their friends, but to a large number of people,…
day70 – It’s okay to be a child
We were all children, perhaps we are grown-up children now, but in the process of growing up, we have almost lost or perhaps some external factors have made us forget or abandon the child in us. When we talk to people, most of them, I am not saying all, but most say that they have…
day69 – Democratic
Amidst US election results, democracy, and the democratic process are hot topics. When we look at history, we are able to see the beginnings of democracy in different civilizations thousands of years back – Greek, Roman, Indian, Persian. Across the world, there were avenues in different empires that addressed people’s voices. In Europe and in…
day68 – Chaiwala
This evening I was driving back to my apartment and I felt like having tea, so I parked my car near a small tea shop, I found lots of people inside and outside the tea shop and it was quite crowded, I felt a little lazy about going out and waiting for tea, I was…