I have always been searching the clarity of our existence as a being, all my life, since childhood.
Year after year, newer, better, clearer, and more sensible perceptions have updated my ideas on “Life”, “World“ and “Absolute Reality“.
I don’t know how many of you are able to conceive what I’m going to say but I felt like I should communicate this idea on this 364th day in our series of gratitude.
As I mentioned, as a result of my continued seeking, I have updated my understanding of the “world“ we live in, and the “life“ we experience, which is my latest “reality“.
It is this: We all experience the world with our sensory organs, and our brain is processing it, and our local consciousness is giving us a personalised world and living experience.
Which means that the world I experience, you experience, and the lizard on the wall experience are in different dimensions but all the worlds are continually intersecting like a multiverse.
So, in reality, the world as a whole we experience is a matrix of a projection of the realities of all other beings in the world powered by the local consciousness in every being in different scale and quality!
This degree of awareness is the clearest one I have attained so far, in the last 364 days, and I felt like it’s my responsibility to share it with you all…
My gratitude to the master I very recently met who gave me the trigger, which led me to this perspective on the reality of our existence.
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