Three and a half years back I came across a wonderful business networking community called Business Network International (BNI), their core philosophy is “Givers Gain”.
Normally when you attend a networking session, people might have inhibitions when it comes to talking about business and it may seem like bad etiquette, so people find different ways to express their business interests in such conversations, whereas BNI is exclusively for business, people come there to talk about business, and give and receive information about business. It has over 9500 chapters across the world, so once you become a member of a chapter in a country, you are welcome to other chapters happening anywhere in the world.
I was part of the core team of one of the chapters in India, which helped me attend and build relationships with other chapters even outside of India. While being a non-native person in Kochi, BNI opened up a broad spectrum of possibilities to cultivate friendships with business owners from different domains, be it a travel planner, currency exchanger, dental surgeon, security officer, company secretary, chartered accountant, business analyst, software developer, even for insurance.
I have leveraged the strength of this amazing community of business owners. If you are an entrepreneur in a new city, it’s highly recommended to join a chapter of BNI to expand the possibilities of your business. Along with business relationships, it strengthens great friendships with these amazing people who are a part of the network.
Today, I am gratefully remembering the core philosophy of giving in BNI, “What goes around, comes around.”
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