The day before yesterday was my birthday, and I completed 3 decades on this planet. While thinking about it, I found many factors, many people, many things that make me Alive. I think it is the case for everyone; if you look into yourself, around yourself, you can see that a lot of factors, a lot of living and non-living things make us Alive. This thought made me think of starting a little initiative, perhaps a gesture of acknowledgment would be a better way to put it. I thought of creating, remembering, sharing something in the light of my life, I call it #365daysofGratitude. Actually, this is a very simple initiative. What I am thinking of is sharing something about a person or a thing, or a phenomenon that I am grateful for. So yeah, here begins the journey #365daysofGratitude 🙂
#day1ofGratitude #originalcontent #bilingual #synchronicity #paradigmshift #gratitude #awakening