I happened to watch a talk by Santhosh George Kulangara (media entrepreneur, India) about the entrepreneurial spirit, and he mentioned Richard Branson.
There are more than 400 companies under Virgin Group, which means that even if he gave a whole day’s attention to a company he wouldn’t be able to go over all of them in a year, that is the volume and vastness of his empire.
But the question is this, how does he make all these things happen and run the show?
It is nothing but the impeccable, incomparable managerial skills that he has and the systems, teams, and C level executives he has built that run under his umbrella which makes all these things possible. We all know that Richard Branson spends a lot of time for vacations in a year.
My intake from this example is that it is not the amount of effort or time you spend but the kind of managerial skills that we acquire in the due course of our journey, be it as an entrepreneur or in our regular life, which helps us defragment larger, complex scenarios and helps us live a wonderful life on this planet.
Today I am grateful to Santhosh George Kulangara for sharing this wonderful example in this managerial context, and also to Richard Branson for setting such a desirable example as a serial entrepreneur.
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