I think it’s been more than 5 years since when someone asks me for a meeting I fix it at around 11 or 11:30 AM. That’s the most productive time, I found for myself in the day to have serious meetings and discussions (My personal preference).
But, the interesting thing I have noticed is that when I ask for a suitable time for a meeting, (especially since the last 2-2 and half years) with our new clients, prospective clients, vendors, potential associates, etc. – they also suggest (in most cases) 11-11.30 AM for the meetings!
That’s a really sweet experience. A different kind of synchronicity!
I wonder – is it my sense of comfort that attracts people with that sense of time?! Or is this a common phenomenon/preference emerging within people that 11-11.30 AM is the best time for a meeting!
I really don’t know but I enjoy the timing!
My gratitude to the time 11/11:30 AM.
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