Today I felt like I should talk about one of my favourite songs. It’s more like a summer rain on a warm night! I’m talking about the Mondo Bongo song by Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros on the album Mondo Bongo. This song is so special to me. It is something I play with love….
Month: July 2021
day312 – Fin-Tip
There was a professor in my college whom I love and respect a lot. On the last day of my last exam of the final semester, he gave me a call and asked when I’d be leaving to go home. I said I’d leave the next day and he said give me a call once…
day311 – Difference of 0.1%
I was watching some videos of Riccardo Sabatini, who’s a physicist and entrepreneur, talking about the genes we all carry. Many of the facts are really eye-opening ones. If we convert our complete genome to text our genetic code would occupy about 2.6 lakh pages, which is roughly 650 medium-size books, but, of those, only…
day310 – The philosophy game
Philosophy is a word that originates from the Greek “philosophia” meaning “love of wisdom”. Basically, it’s the study of the fundamental perspectives on life, like existence, values, the mind, etc… It may sound outdated but it’s only today that I came to know about the “philosophy game” we can play with Wikipedia. When a friend…
day309 – Connect backwards
I had a memories notification on my social media account today from 9 years ago. 9 years ago, on July 7th 2012, the shooting of the very first episode of a gadget show we created and produced for a television channel took place. That particular post has popped up as the memory. Those days our…
day308 – The tougher self
I was chit-chatting with a friend of mine. A decade ago he was my batchmate in college but he dropped the course because of ragging. (Yes, in those days ragging was widespread on our campus and in the hostel.) When I look at the ragging experiences of those days I realise it was mental and…
day307 – Misconceptions
I think, like me, maybe many of you must know that most Vitamin D in our body comes from the Sun, that the Sun is the source of Vitamin D. Then that idea is not right. The other day while I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who’s a health expert on…
day306 – Ask, seek and knock
There is a scripture box on my table that was gifted by a friend of mine a long time back. This evening I randomly picked a card from it. It was a verse from the Bible, Matthew 7:7. It says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and…
day 305 – Get vaccinated
I was going through the history of vaccinations. So many deadly viruses caused the death of millions of people.Smallpox, typhoid, yellow fever, influenza, polio, anthrax, etc. were diseases that threatened us before Covid-19. The fascinating thing is that we developed vaccines for all these diseases but it took centuries and many decades for each of…
day304 – Human upgrade
Brain plasticity is the ability of the human brain to transform and adapt as a result of experience. The other day I was going through interesting research taking place at UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, London, where scientists enabled an extra robotic finger as the 6th finger attached to a hand like a wearable device,…