I was going through the history of vaccinations. So many deadly viruses caused the death of millions of people.
Smallpox, typhoid, yellow fever, influenza, polio, anthrax, etc. were diseases that threatened us before Covid-19.
The fascinating thing is that we developed vaccines for all these diseases but it took centuries and many decades for each of them.
That’s where we have to appreciate the efficacy of technology and the capability of our scientific community. The vaccine for Covid-19 was developed in less than a year from when the infection was discovered.
I have had a firsthand experience where 3 members of a friend’s family including him died because of Covid-19 last month. Only his father remains alive since he was the only one who got vaccinated in that family.
Vaccination is the only way we have in our hands to prevent this disease as of now. Let’s do it. In fact, I’m done with my first dose today!
My gratitude to the scientists, laboratories, and governments behind all these vaccines.
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