I think one of the simplest and biggest reasons which prevented people from travelling in the past was that they did not know how to carry their cash, their wealth, with them.
Later, with currency that problem was resolved, but the thing which truly strikes me with wonder is the use of digital wallets and how far-reaching its implementation has been at the grassroots level of our society, especially in a country like India.
Recently, I happened to travel to different villages and cultures in this country, and in almost every nook and cranny digital payment was accepted. We don’t need to carry cash in hand at all. It’s a simple thing maybe for people of the younger generation but for me it’s really amazing, especially since I have the habit of not carrying cash at all.
This evening also I happened to pass through a remote village of this country and I was excited and amazed to do the transaction with a small vendor with a digital wallet which brought us both peace, easiness, and comfort.
Today, I am grateful for this simple but very powerful product called digital wallets and all the features that they have.
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