For a majority of people, when thinking of taking uncommon initiatives in life, the greatest fear that pulls them back is the thought of how or what others might think about that particular action or move.
In this context, I happened to read an excerpt from Elizabeth Gilbert’s book “Big Magic”. In that book, there’s a chapter, “Nobody’s Thinking About You”. It’s a beautiful chapter which says that we tend to craft our lives based on the perspectives of other people and society, especially in our twenties and thirties. But it’s only when we reach our fifties or even sixties, that we realise that nobody was ever thinking about us.
Most of the time people think about themselves, they are all caught up in their own dreams and challenges and problems. People’s attention may be drawn to us for a moment when we make an uncommon move but that attention does not stay for long, they look at us, they may pass a comment about our actions and they leave because they have their own business to attend to, they have their own life to handle.
Elizabeth Gilbert shares this perspective with reference to a discussion she had with a 70-year-old woman she met during her travels.
I personally feel this is a wonderful perspective, there is no need to be bothered about people in the gallery, play the game with total spirit and enjoy to the fullest, following your own style of gameplay.
Today I am gratefully remembering Elizabeth Gilbert and her book “Big Magic”.
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