A very new entrepreneur recently had a discussion with me, and I asked him how his business was going. He said things were good but the main challenge was to maintain the cash flow. Even though projects were being delivered it was hard to get the client to make the payment.
I said okay and asked him if he followed up with them, he said yes, they did. I asked him how often he followed up, he told me he sent an email and waited for a week before sending another email. I asked him if he called or texted them, and he said he called once in 5 to 7 days, even after the delivery of output or product.
I told him that was wrong because I was also in his position years back, I also would hesitate, but I realized something – this is a world of distractions, even if the client or the vendor genuinely wants to pay us, he will definitely forget or he may be forced to prioritize some other things in this ocean of distractions.
Follow-ups that occur in intervals of 5 to 7 days will not work in this era of information overload. Whether it is a payment, reply, call, answer, something from a person – in this era everybody is floating in an ocean of information and content and priorities. So the only thing to do is constant brutal shameless follow-up.
Even I tell people that I will do this or that for you, please do remind me because I forget. A lot of things have to be handled every day on a day-to-day basis, so we’re likely to forget.
So that’s the key – follow up on things, blindly follow up, trust me, you will experience the results in hand…that’s my word.
Today I am gratefully remembering one of the senior entrepreneurs who shared with me the power of follow-up in the early days when I had started the enterprise.
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