I have a friend of mine who is an amazing bike rider, he travels hundreds of kilometers on bikes and, especially when we were in college, I have accompanied him many times.
It was quite frightening to sit on his bike because he is such an adventurous, fast and furious rider. Fortunately, he didn’t meet with any accidents on his bike. Whenever he overtakes, he flips. When I ride with him I almost close my eyes and hold him tight when he twists and turns, because such movements on the bike are, to me, beyond belief.
One day I asked him, “Bro, what is the secret of this, you ride a bike in a totally unsafe manner (unsafe to a regular bike rider), but you don’t meet any accidents at all, how is that possible?” He said, “Bro, I just follow one motto – when you ride, whether you need to overtake a vehicle, or whatever trick you want to do with your bike, just follow this – you just do it or don’t do it, never try.
He told me it’s your choice whether you do it or don’t, either way make a choice and see it through, never try. If you try and don’t reach somewhere then, of course, that is dangerous.
It is one of the finest thoughts I cherished with that friend of mine and I think whenever when we try any kind of adventure in our lives, this motto is very sensible and useful.
Let’s do it or not do it, but let’s not try such adventures because trying an adventure is dangerous.
Today I am extending my gratitude to that sweet friend of mine with whom I have some great memories.
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