I happened to read the news today, Wall Street is all set to trade consumable water, which means that water is officially joining gold, oil, and other commodities that are traded. If this happens, it will enable water users to create a balance between supply and demand.
According to a United Nations report, about 5 billion people will be affected by the shortage of consumable water across the world by 2050, and soon water will become the new oil. I was fortunate enough to be born in a part of the world where we have plenty of water and waterbodies everywhere. Having a private well for homes is a luxury when compared to those who literally face an uphill task every day to get access to consumable freshwater.
Water is the basic, fundamental enabler of life, our body is almost 80% water. In all our space explorations we look for water to calculate the possibility of the existence of life.
Water is everything, water is life itself. We all had a drink of fresh, usable water today, let’s be grateful for that, and let’s make sure that we consume water carefully keeping in mind our fellow beings and whole existence of this planet.
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