We are living in a time of digital transcendence that is paving the way for Industry 4.0 which is the next level of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. Be it your cell phone or laptop, or the digital systems in your car, when we look at it from an engineering perspective, the core factor which makes all these things possible are microprocessors. Literally, the “computer” in every device we use is the microprocessor in it, the core of every digital system. Every microprocessor is fundamentally based on transistors, a phenomenal invention.
Recently I happened to watch a documentary on the evolution of transistors and it blew my mind. The size of a transistor that we now use is ten thousand times lighter than a strand of hair, and inside a microprocessor, there are three hundred million transistors functioning on an average.
Transistors control the flow of electrons in a microprocessor with their switching and amplification functions, which makes the whole computer alive. If a microprocessor is the brain of a computer then transistors are the brain cells in it. I don’t know how many of us are aware of transistors, it was invented by the mid-20th century and that invention even won a Nobel Prize in 1947, it played a pivotal role in modern computing.
Today I am gratefully remembering the widely overlooked fundamental factor of all the computer systems that we use as mobile phones or laptops or wearable devices like fitness bands etc.. – the transistor!
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